Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Technology Standards

I chose to look at the technology standards for teachers. I feel that they would be great to strive for ideally however, in a real classroom they are much harder to attain. The standards say that teachers should be using technology and digital tools to promote learning experiences. I feel that this can something be hard to do. I work at a wealthy school and even we do not have the resources that I would like to use at times. We can only take our students to the computer lab once every two weeks, for example. this makes it tough to complete assignments. I attempted to have my students do more involved projects like a webquest and a powerpoint presentation and because of the tie constraints I had major problems with both. My school also does not even allow the kids to do simple things like e-mail so I worry that they are not even learning the basics of computers like how to attach a file. I can only imagine what it must be like at schools with less resouces than mine.
I think that another problem with the standards is that they wuld require all teachers to be proficient in using technology and many are not. Professional development opportunities for teachers are often not vey hands on and so many teachers never learn the newest technology. In my two years as a teacher the only new technology I have learned has been in this class. I think that there is so much out there that teachers are missing and learning about technology should be much more of a priority.